Thursday, April 10, 2008

My last two blogs were kinda depressing, so today I am going to lighten it up a bit and post 5 things that made me smile today...

1. 1/2 lb of Smoothie Jelly Beans from Expressions!

2. The Retro print mat stack I received from too cute!

3. The busy Beehive Triple Milled Honey Almond soap I picked up last time I was on Guam and just opened today...they smell DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!

4. The gorgeous day it was outside today...

5. Getting the ALL CLEAR from Dr. Ada on my skin cancer scare...


Harry Blalock said...

Glad to hear everything came out good with the skin cancer scare Tami, I know how nerve wracking those kind of things can be. I'm still waiting to sign a couple pictures:)

G'ma said...

Thank God, Sweetie! Love You!

Deece said...

Glad to hear you got the all clear!