Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Angelo gave a presentation on the National Park of the Sea proposal today at the Northern Marianas Insurance Association General Membership Meeting. The overall response of the 11 members was in total favor of establishing the park, and our President vowed to write a letter of support to the Governor from our Association.

While at the meeting, he also picked up the sponsorship check from us for the recently held concert.

AND.........I guess you could say I finally won some blog candy because he gave me the book "The Unnatural History of the Sea" which was up for grabs on his recent blog candy post..
Anyway, since he was nice enough to give me a free copy of the book, I would like to pay if forward to anyone who is interested in reading it (after me of course..he he) Just drop me a comment...

What a cool day! Oh, and I sooooo totally want to go to Maug now!!!!!!

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