Monday, January 28, 2008

Post Secrets...

In post secret fashion

He passed away 14 years ago yesterday Jan. 28th...but I remember the date as the
29th because it was the 29th when I got the news here in Saipan...miss ya Dad!


willymoku said...

every time i touch a computer, I think of Dad...

willymoku said...

he would have been amazed at how things have progressed (tech wize)....will

G'ma said...

I'm sure he is amaged at so many things, Will.

I know he is very proud of you guys, and am sure looking down with a big proud smile at what you have become.

I think he would not be able to tolerate a lot of the problems going on here tho', so he is where he is resting in peace.

Bev said...

Hi! I wait for every Sunday to come around for the new set of post secrets too! It is pretty amazing what people will write.

I love how our memories keep our loved ones alive in our hearts and minds.